ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: provide solutions for long-term food security in the region through development of regionally-coordinatedĀ policies and strategies for sustainable agriculture promote cross-border value chains in concert with public decision-makers, agricultural enterprises as well as farmersā€™ and private associations PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) project is one of the...

Sectoral Project Rural Development

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: support BMZ Special Unit ā€˜One World No Hungerā€™ as well as selected GIZ projects worldwide on the development of strategies and concepts for rural development cooperate relevant units and projects abroad as well as with international organizations and institutions to meet the above aim PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Sectoral Project...

Conflict Sensitive Resource and Asset Management Programme (COSERAM) Technical Cooperation Module 2 Indigenous Practices for Biodiversity Conservation (IP4BioDiv)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: harmonise different planning regims oriented towards a peaceful and sustainable governance of natural resources in line with COSERAMs PROJECT DESCRIPTION Since 2011, the Conflict Sensitive Resource and Asset Management (COSERAM) Program supports an integrated approach of poverty reduction and peace building in the region of Caraga and other...

Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change (SMP)

OBJECTIVE Government agencies at the national and local level, that are responsible for the management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests (SMF), as well as Co-Management structures, have implemented mechanisms that improve the management of the SMF. This is being achieved through the three components: The coordination by the local representation of the...

Promotion of the Climate Change Unit in coordinating the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (Climate Finance Governance Project)

OBJECTIVE To improve Ministry of Environment and Forests and its line agenciesā€™ results-based implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy according to fiduciary principles PROJECT DESCRIPTION Together with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), the Climate Finance Governance (CFG) Project aims to build a climate resilient nation. It supports the government to implement...

Climate Protection through Avoided Deforestation (CliPAD)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: provide policy advice and capacity development supporting national and provincial REDD+ framework and REDD+ plan processes pilot mitigation activities develop pro-poor REDD+ mechanisms and sustainable financing models SITUATION The Climate Protection through Avoided Deforestation (CliPAD) Programme was initiated in 2009 to support the Lao Government in its REDD+ Readiness Process...

Regional Economic Development III (RED III)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: increase the income of rural households by applying market-oriented and private sector-based approach to unleash economic potentials ensure economic inclusion of the rural poor safeguard the environment and natural resources PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Regional Economic Development Programme aims at increasing the income of rural households by applying a market-oriented and...

Sector Programme Sustainability Governance in Global Value Chains

OBJECTIVE The programme aims to: strive for more sustainable supply chains in selected sectors (palm oil, cocoa, sugar commodities, fishery) utilise ā€˜Sustainability standards Comparison Toolā€™ to assess and compare sustainability standards PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION The programme hosts several multi-stakeholder initiatives and activities. It strives for more sustainable supply chains in selected sectors (palm oil, cacao,...

Integrated Coastal Management Programme (ICMP)

OBJECTIVE To support the Vietnamese authorities in preparing the coastal area of the Mekong Delta for a changing environment and to lay the foundation for sustainable growth PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Integrated Coastal Management Programme (ICMP) is a development programme that is funded by the governments of Viet Nam, Germany and Australia. Its...