13 Countries

ABS Capacity Development Initiative – Supporting the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to support African countries and ACP member states in their efforts to operationalize the Nagoya Protocol at national level.Ā Support of three core processes are: developing and revising ABS regulatory frameworks establishing fair and equitable ABS agreements ensure participation of IPLCs in both processes The ABS Initiative is ready to provide...

Sustainable Agriculture (NAREN)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: increase agricultural productivity by contributing technical expertise and concepts to improve sustainability in agriculture incorporate these technical expertise and concepts into national and international strategies PROJECT DESCRIPTION The sector project Sustainable Agriculture (NAREN) adĀ­dresses sustainable production systems, genetic resources, renewable primary products, soil and water management, climate change, post-harvest...

Sector Project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains

OBJECTIVE To contribute to agricultural and rural development in our partner countries through the promotion of competitive and sustainable agricultural and food value chains PROJECT DESCRIPTION We analyze global agricultural trade policies and value chains from farm to fork. With our expertise we support the projects of the Federal Government from the...

Support to the Philippines in Shaping and Implementing the International Climate Change Regime (SupportCCC II)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: support CCC, DOE and HLURB in the implementation of the national climate change policy within the framework of the Philippinesā€™s international climate change commitment work with local government units in developing climate adaptive land use and development plans support DOE in the implementation of an effective regulatory framework...

Strategic Mainstreaming of Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Vietnam (EbA)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: set up to support Viet Namā€™s efforts in achieving integration of EbA into both policy and society strengthen the capacity of stakeholders at the national and provincial level to strategically mainstream EbA into the national climate adaptation policy framework PROJECT DESCRIPTION Globally, Viet Nam is among the countries that...

Global Climate Change Alliance in Timor Leste

OBJECTIVE The programme aims to: improve capacity of populations living in the selected postos administrativos vulnerable to climate change improve their livelihood options by using local development mechanisms, social inclusion and conflict management SUCCESS STORIES The Global Climate Change Alliance Programme Timor-Leste (GCCA-TL) is financed by the European Union (EU) and co-implemented with technical...

Forests and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME)

Cenderawasih, bird of paradise, spotted at the ecotourism area in Rhepang Muaif, Papua Province Hutan perempuan or women forest ā€“ prohibited for male ā€“ a place for women to socialize among women, talking about everything while collecting...

Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region (CCCPIR)

OBJECTIVE The programme aims to: assist on climate change adaptation to 15 Pacific ACP countries assist on REDD+ support to Fiji Programme Description The regional programme ā€˜Coping with climate change in the Pacific Island Regionā€™ (CCCPIR) aims at strengthening the capacities of Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and regional organisations to cope with the anticipated...

Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas-India (CCA-RAI)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: improve livelihood and adaptive capacities of vulnerable rural communities in India through providing policy support to the Indian government on integrating adaptation to climate change in key sectoral policy decisions and rural development programmes PROJECT DESCRIPTION CCA-RAI aims to contribute to improve livelihoods and adaptive capacities of vulnerable...

Climate Change Adaptation – North Eastern Region (CCA-NER)

OBJECTIVE To improve the access of rural households to food through resource-saving and climate resilient agricultural practices PROJECT DESCRIPTION CCA-NER is a bilateral cooperation project between the Government of India and the federal Government of Germany. The Deutsche Gesellschaft fĆ¼r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH was mandated in 2012 by the German Federal...