Marine Spatial Planning explained in a nutshell. Click here to see the video!

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is spreading across the globe as a new way of achieving sustainable development of the worldā€™s seas and oceans. But what does MSP actually mean? How does it work?Ā  ā€œMarine Spatial Planning ā€“ in a nutshellā€ is a five-minute film that explains MSP simply and dynamically. It...

PANORAMA ā€“ Solutions for a healthy planet

What if we could identify the best local and regional solutions, and promote them for learning at a global level? PANORAMA ā€“Ā Solutions for a healthy planetĀ is a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and...

World Environment Day 5 June

View of Lake Bunyonyi from a nearby hilltop (Kabale, Uganda - 2016). UN Photo/MjG Man is both creature and moulder of his environment, which gives him physical sustenance and affords him the opportunity for intellectual, moral, social and spiritual growth. In the long and tortuous evolution of the human race...

Vanuatu Launches National Environment Policy and Implementation Plan 2016

The Department ofĀ Environmental Protection and Conservation Office celebrated two milestones yesterday at the Climate Change compound yesterday. The DEPC officially launched its National Environment Policy and Implementation Plan 2016-2030 and the opening of the new DEPC office. Ā  The Acting Director of DEPC, Mr Reedly Tari said that it was a...

Marshall Islands Leads the Way on Kigali Amendment

Story Highlights The Republic of the Marshall Islands became the first country to ratify the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol to phase down the production and use of hydrofluorocarbons. The Kigali Amendment was agreed at MOP 28, which took place in October 2016, in Kigali, Rwanda. 28 February...

The Philippinesā€™ Enchanted River is worth saving!

01 February 2017, Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur, Philippinesā€“ The Enchanted River (ER), a popular tourist destination in Surigao del Sur which receives as many as 800-1000 visitors a day was closed temporarily to the public to give way for major rehabilitation works starting January until March 28. In 2014, the...

UN Member States Briefed on Preparations for SDG 14 Conference

13 December 2016: The President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) convened a briefing for UN Member States on the ongoing preparations for the High-Level UN Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 (Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable...

Bay of Bengal: depleted fish stocks and huge dead zone signal tipping point

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