13 Countries

Sector Programme Soil Policy and Land Management

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: provide technical and conceptual advice on international (EU, FAO, World Bank, SDGs, etc.) and national processes and agendas together with partners from the academia, the civil society and the private sector (TU MĆ¼nchen, University of Marburg, various NGOs, consultants, etc.) interact within strong networks and supports initiatives...

Forestry and Climate Change (FOR-CC)

OBJECTIVE ToĀ provide capacity building to improve the cooperation of ASEAN Member States on climate change-related key topics in agriculture and forestry PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR-CC provides capacity building to improve the cooperation of ASEAN Member States on climate change-related key topics in agriculture and forestry. On the regional level FOR-CC promotes dialogue, exchange...

Institutional Strengthening of the Biodiversity Sector in ASEAN (ISB)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: support the ASEAN center for Biodiversity in fulfilling its mandate to facilitate cooperation and coordination among the AMS on conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and equitable use of natural treasures build on the predecessor project of ā€˜Biodiversity and Climate Change Project (BCCP) PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project aims...

Salinity Advisory as location and specific and timely service

PROJECT DESCRIPTION R&D is an ICT-enabled eco-system used for salinity warning and advisory as a decision support-tool for rice farmers: a) Action- research on crop management responses to salinity intrusion b) Deployment of a mobile platform for local salinity data collection and warning to rice growers SUCCESS STORIES SALTS: If farmers measure and disseminate...

Food and Nutrition Security in Eastern Shan State, Myanmar

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: Improve the Food and Nutrition Security of vulnerable populations in selected areas in Eastern Shan State, especially women of reproductive age and infants PROJECT DESCRIPTION Food insecurity and malnutrition remain a challenge for the poorest and most vulnerable people in rural areas in Eastern Shan State. Among the...

Standards in the Southeast Asian Food Trade (SAFT)

OBJECTIVE To verifiably apply both standards in the ASEAN region, particularly in the production of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables PROą¹‹JECT DESCRIPTION SAFT is a GIZ-supported project that advises the ASEAN Secretariat on the development and implementation of regional food standards for good agricultural practices (ASEAN GAP) and organic agriculture (ASOA). There...

Sustainable Certified Coconut Oil (SCNO)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: increase the quantity of sustainably produced and certified coconut oil and at increasing smallholder coconut farmersā€™ incomes in the Philippines and in Indonesia establish a certified chain of custody for sustainable certified coconut oil PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Sustainable Certified Coconut Oil project (SCNO) is a public-private-partnership initiative which aims...

RIICE: Remote sensing-based information and insurance for crops in emerging economies

OBJECTIVE To reduce vulnerability of smallholder farmers engaged in rice production NEWS PROJECT DESCRIPTION The tools of RIICE provide information about the scope and impact of disasters and a precise and timely overview of planted rice area and expected and actual yields ā€“ down to the village level. Such a national rice production...

ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: provide solutions for long-term food security in the region through development of regionally-coordinatedĀ policies and strategies for sustainable agriculture promote cross-border value chains in concert with public decision-makers, agricultural enterprises as well as farmersā€™ and private associations PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) project is one of the...

Sectoral Project Rural Development

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: support BMZ Special Unit ā€˜One World No Hungerā€™ as well as selected GIZ projects worldwide on the development of strategies and concepts for rural development cooperate relevant units and projects abroad as well as with international organizations and institutions to meet the above aim PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Sectoral Project...