Integrated Pest Management: Trainings, clubs, booklets, and videos in Viet Nam

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) sub project under Better Rice Initiative Asia (BRIA) have started in 2015. This IPM project towards sustainable rice cultivation in Mekong Delta is implemented by GIZ, co-financed by Croplife International. BRIA is sister project of ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems. Farmer group discussion in chemical application according...

All thing TUEWAS is now under your fingertips with the launch of the new website!

When it comes down to providing seamless support for members of the network stationed across the region, the Sector Network Transport, Environment, Energy and Water in Asia (TUEWAS) Secretariat is constantly on the look-out for room for improvement. In our latest effort, the first exclusive TUEWAS online platform has been...

Traditional Knowledge: A Safekeeper of Biodiversity

Thehe village in Humla district in Nepal (by Abhimanyu Panday) Thehe is a village in the eastern part of Humla district in Nepal. Its solitude makes the village highly depended on its surrounding nature which is not only a source for fuelwood and fodder, but provides the community also with...

Bike race for biodiversity in Panay Island, Philippines

Panay Island, Philippines, May 27 and 28 Bike race start, May 27. Credentials: GIZ The Forest and Climate Protection project Panay II (ForClim), jointly implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fĆ¼r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), supported the Autajay Aningalan Ascent bike race...