Thai-German Climate Programme

Praphat Dejharn from Regional Office of the National Water Resources discussed with the head of the community on rehabilitating and reconnecting oxbow lakes to Yom river in Phrae province on 7 July 2020 Copyright: TGCP-Water, GIZ Thailand ...

Towards a South-South Collaboration on Climate Information and Services: Building a Knowledge Exchange and Learning Plat Platform for the Philippines and the Climate Vulnerable Forum

OBJECTIVES In the Philippines, climate information services are being used more and more to gain a better understanding of the impacts of climate change. Informed decisions can be made when planning and implementing adaptation and mitigation measures. DESCRIPTION The Philippines has made progress in producing climate information products, ranging from climate scenarios...

Support to the Climate Change Commission II

In February 2019, the SupportCCC II Project Knowledge Exchange and Culmination Event was organized and attended by more than 150 participants from the government, civil society groups, academe, and other development partners. Partnerships built among key stakeholders in the country were again strengthened through this engaging culmination event to...

Soil protection and rehabilitation for food security

OBJECTIVE Selected partner countries are assisted in the widespread implementation of agroecological approaches that conserve soil and rehabilitate infertile soil in climate-smart, environmentally friendly ways. DESCRIPTION The amount of fertile soil that is being lost around the world every year was most recently equal to roughly one-third of the size of Germany,...

Fund to promote innovation in agriculture

OBJECTIVES Employment opportunities and income are being created as more gender-sensitive innovations in agriculture are put in place which ensure food security, climate change adaptation for smallholders, and protection of natural resources such as soil, water, and biodiversity. DESCRIPTION Agricultural innovations being developed in Germanyā€™s development policy partner countries have a huge...