Strengthening Regional Experiences in Sustainable Peatland Management (ASEAN-REPEAT)

OBJECTIVE The ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN Member States successfully improve sustainable peatland management in ASEAN. This helps the region to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of peatlands and mitigate the adverse impact of climate change, manage risk of wild fires and reduce transboundary haze as well as conserve...

Support to the Climate Change Commission II

In February 2019, the SupportCCC II Project Knowledge Exchange and Culmination Event was organized and attended by more than 150 participants from the government, civil society groups, academe, and other development partners. Partnerships built among key stakeholders in the country were again strengthened through this engaging culmination event to...

Blue Solutions – Implementing the CBD Strategic Plan in the field of marine and coastal biodiversity

OBJECTIVE The national and regional partner institutions enhance their capacities to improve and better contribute to the implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan targets on the conserbvation, sustainable use and restoration of marine and coastal biodiversity. COUNTRYSupra-Regional DURATION01 Jan 2013 - 30 Sep 2021 Commission Agency BMUV CONTACT PERSON Mr. Jan Kleine Buening

Sino-German Environmental Partnership Phase II

OBJECTIVES The Sino-German strategic dialogue on environmental policy development and implementation supports the improvement of Chinese environmental governance. DESCRIPTION Since 2013, the Sino-German Environmental Partnership project has supported bilateral environmental policy dialogue through the exchange of experience and advice on various specialist topics. Thereby, the project enhances institutional and individual capacities through...

Mainstreaming EbA – Strengthening Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Planning and Decision Processes

Field trip of the International Community of Practice. Copyright: Global Project Mainstreaming EbA OBJECTIVES Strengthen the ability of decision-makers at international, national and local level to mainstream EbA into policy and planning processes. DESCRIPTION The global EbA Project supports the mainstreaming and application of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation. The project...

Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture Development

OBJECTIVE Promotion of the sustainable aquaculture in Myanmar. COUNTRYMyanmar DURATION01 Dec 2016 - 30 Nov 2021 Commission Agency BMUV CONTACT PERSON Mr. Peter Buri

BMU ICI Project REDDplus Himalaya

OBJECTIVE The forest policy and international frameworks for socially and environmentally sound REDD readiness are improved in at least three of the four participating Himalayan states. COUNTRYAsia DURATIONDec 2013 - Dec 2020 Commission Agency BMUV CONTACT PERSON Mr. Kai Windhorst