Phutawen Farm: The new hub of sustainable agro-tourism in Lao PDR

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How edutainment helps foster environmental awareness in Laos

If you are in a remote village in Laos, and see a group of adults playing a puzzle, laughing and competing to see which group is the fastest to set it up or, if you encounter several district level Government authorities playing enthusiastically a memory game, and when you...

Fortified rice and nutritional patterns for Indonesia

The Food and Nutrition Society (PERGIZI PANGAN) Indonesia in collaboration with Better Rice Initiative Asia (BRIA) Nutrition Component Indonesia and GIZ conducted a study on fortified rice production and a clinical impact study to gain evidence on the effectiveness of fortified rice for school children in order to reduce...

Public and private partners explore solutions to reduce financial risks of climate change

More than 90 representatives from 11 Asian countries participated in an executive consultation forum and capacity building seminar to learn and share their experiences on mechanisms to deal with financial risks resulting from climate change. It was organized by the ā€œStrategic Alliance on Climate Risk Transfer Solutionsā€ (Strategic Alliance),...

UN Member States Briefed on Preparations for SDG 14 Conference

13 December 2016: The President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) convened a briefing for UN Member States on the ongoing preparations for the High-Level UN Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 (Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable...

Germany Outlines Priorities for G20 Presidency

''German G20 presidencyā€™s agenda is based on three pillars: building resilience, improving sustainability and assuming responsibility.'' 6 February 2017: In a briefing to UN Member States, Permanent Representative of Germany Harald Braun outlined the key priorities of its presidency for the Group of 20 (G20) in 2017, including implementation of the...

Acceptance of the Laosā€™ Emission Reduction Program Idea Note paves way for REDD+ performance-based payments.

Mid-October, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund under the World Bank has accepted Laosā€™ Emission Reduction Program Idea Note (ER-PIN) in its thirteenā€™s meeting in Brussels. The acceptance paves the way for REDD+ performance-based payments. The GIZ project CliPAD (Climate Protection through Avoided Deforestation) together with JICA, SUFORD-SU...

FIA Video: The State of Food Security in Asia

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Never thought the agriculture fair would be this fun, thank you Malaysia!

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