BRIAā€™s TV Programme on ā€œFarmers Love Sustainable Riceā€ Succeeds in Enhancing Farmersā€™ Knowledge and Reducing their Production Cost

Back in 2014, a project on ā€œBetter Rice Initiative Asiaā€ or BRIA, under the joint cooperation of GIZ, the Rice Department and BASF (Thai) Limited, launched a TV programme on the Royal Thai Armyā€™s Channel 5 to educate farmers and the general public about safety, social responsibility and sustainable...

New reader about sustainable energy solutions in agriculture

The worldā€™s agri-food supply chains are being challenged: 30 percent of the available energy worldwide is used for producing and processing food. Sustainable energy solutions in agri-food chains are required. Approaches are required that enhance food and energy security but tackle climate change at the same time In order to...

PANORAMA ā€“ Solutions for a healthy planet

What if we could identify the best local and regional solutions, and promote them for learning at a global level? PANORAMA ā€“Ā Solutions for a healthy planetĀ is a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and...

SNRD Asia and TUEWAS Annual Face-to-Face Steering Group Meeting concluded and set in motion preparation for 2018 Joint Conference

Bangkok, 19-21 June 2017 Taking stock of lesson-learned and strategically getting things moving are key takeaways of the recently concluded SNRD Asia and TUEWAS Annual Face-to-Face Steering Group Meeting. Convened on 19-21 June in Bangkok, steering group members of both, SNRD Asia and TUEWAS, discussed main issues concerning the two...

Basics on forest protection

How can local communities be motivated to participate in forest management and conservation efforts in village forests? The CliPAD (Climate Protection through Avoided Deforestation) project provides incentives aiming to stabilize the landscape as well as reducing deforestation and forest degradation in two districts in Houaphan province. To date, 25...

Business and Biodiversity Conference in Mumbai, India

L- R: Dr Suhas Buddhe, Chief Managing Director, Biocare India Pvt. Ltd, Dr Ravi Singh, Sec. Gen. and CEO, Ms. Marina Kosmus, Head of GIZ Global Project Private Business Action for Biodiversity, Mr. Pradip Sarmokadam, Member Secretary, Goa State Biodiversity Board and Ms. Alka Talwar, Chief CSR & Sustainability...