FIA Video: The State of Food Security in Asia

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Blue Solutions for a healthy blue planet ā€“ voices from partners

The global ocean community has generated a wealth of innovative, practical, ā€œon-the-groundā€ solutions which successfully help to overcome challenges to healthy ecosystems, sustainable development and human wellbeing in the marine and coastal realm. The Blue Solutions Initiative is collecting these innovative concepts and practical approaches to inspire and facilitate action.

GIZ: Hatchery Based Mud Crab Production in Bangladesh. 2016 (Bangla, EN-subtitles)

The Sundarbans are the largest mangrove forest of the world and play a crucial role in global biodiversity conservation, as well as coastal protection and livelihood generation for the region. Mud crab collection is an important livelihood activity of people near the Sundarbans. However, excessive crab collection from the...

EducationCan: Sustainable development begins with education

Education is a fundamental right, and it is also the most powerful tool we have for sustainable development. Investing in a quality education for every child, youth and adult is essential - not only to achieve the education related goals and targets, but to realize the other sustainable development...

Blue, Green and Clean: Our World in 2030

This video presents data from the SDG Index report, launched earlier this summer, and underscores the need for prompt climate action. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN): Launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in August 2012, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil...

Chris Brown, Vice President at OLAM International, one of Better Rice Initiative Asia (BRIA) Partners and a leading rice trader, has delivered a message to the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi in May 2016.

Chris Brown, VP for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at Olam International, gives his message of support ahead of UNEA2. The second session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2) will take place at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, (23-27 May 2016) under the overarching theme of Delivering on the environmental...

The Solution-ing Approach ā€“ Learning from inspiring experiences world-wide

The Blue Solutions Project and the Panorama Initiative provide global platforms to assemble and promote knowledge on successful approaches, tools and processes, focusing on what works why and how. These solutions have proven their success and inspire others to replicate and adapt them. While Blue Solutions focuses on the...