Transformation of Food Systems

OBJECTIVES Selected local, national, regional and international initiatives are ready to transform food systems towards healthier and more sustainable diets. DESCRIPTION To overcome hunger and food crises and address climate change, food systems need to be transformed and mindsets must change fundamentally. Our current food systems do not produce healthy diets for...

Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Policies

OBJECTIVES Transformation processes that foster sustainable agricultural systems are strengthened in India, Zambia, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Madagascar, Burkina Faso and Mali, as well as at regional and global level. DESCRIPTION One of the priority development goals of the international communityā€™s 2030 Agenda is to end global hunger. Current agricultural and food...

develoPPP.One World-No Hunger

OBJECTIVES Innovative approaches coupled with partnerships between development cooperation actors and the private sector along agricultural value chains have the capacity to increase smallholder production and income. DESCRIPTION In developing countries, agricultural goods are mainly produced by smallholders. Their limited access to new knowledge, agricultural inputs and financing means they must use...

Green Innovation Centres in the agriculture and food sector

OBJECTIVES Innovations in the agriculture and food sector help increase smallholder income, boost employment and improve regional food supply in selected rural target regions. DESCRIPTION More and more people are going hungry, most recently primarily fuelled by climate change, conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of them are smallholder farmers in Africa...

Strengthening the Implementation of regional and local Peace and Development Agendas

OBJECTIVES State and non-state actors have taken an integrated approach to implementing peace and development agendas at local and regional level. A particular focus is placed on improving the socio-economic situation of vulnerable groups and smallholder farmers. DESCRIPTION Mindanao, the southernmost island group in the Philippines, is characterised by poverty and violent...

Improving Land management in the Mekong Region

OBJECTIVES Smallholder farmers have more secure and equitable access to and control over agricultural land and forests in the Mekong Region. DESCRIPTION Rapid socio-economic changes in the Mekong region in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam (CLMV) have caused an increase in the need for land for infrastructure and agribusinesses....

Thai German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate: Biomass Component (TGC-EMC Biomass Project)

OBJECTIVES By facilitating energy from agricultural residues, i.e., rice straw and sugarcane leaves, TGC EMC Biomass Component supports Thailandā€™s goals in increasing its share of renewable energy, reducing emissions from agricultural burning, and diversifying farmersā€™ incomes. DESCRIPTION According to Thailandā€™s second updated nationally determined contribution (NDC), submitted to the UNFCCC in November...

Greening Agricultural Smallholder Supply Chains (GRASS)

OBJECTIVES The economic and environmental resilience of smallholder farmers who produce rubber, oil palm, cocoa, and coffee at the base of global supply chains is improved. DESCRIPTION Many independent smallholder farmers in Kapuas Hulu cultivate estate crops in monoculture on small farm plots of typically two hectares or less. With this approach,...

Enhancing Rural Resilience through Appropriate Development Actions ā€“ ERADA

OBJECTIVES Livelihoods of vulnerable households in rural areas have been stabilised based on locally available natural resources and developmental support programmes. DESCRIPTION In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the globe. This resulted in about ten million Indians returning from urban areas to their home villages as they had lost their...