Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures in Viet Nam (EN)
Group photo of the participants. © WUCMA A multi-stakeholder consultation workshop was organised by the Wular Conservation and Management Authority
Participants explain the themes of their stories post groupwork in Mallaigudem, Telangana. ©Drishti In the agroecological transformation, farmers are the
Group photo. Picture credit: GIZ/ Greenbug Media The GIZ Cacao+ Project, a transformative initiative aimed at improving smallholder livelihoods through
Kalesi Nadolo of Conservation International participates in the assessment (Credit: GIZ Pacific) Mangroves in the Rewa Province(Credit: GIZ Pacific) A
Natural forest in Binh Dinh. Photo credits: Phan Nhat Anh To achieve Viet Nam’s ambitious goal of reaching Net Zero
A Regional Knowledge Network has been formed through a series of consultative workshops that brought together enthusiastic participants from the