13 Countries

Strengthening Regional Experiences in Sustainable Peatland Management (ASEAN-REPEAT)

OBJECTIVE The ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN Member States successfully improve sustainable peatland management in ASEAN. This helps the region to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of peatlands and mitigate the adverse impact of climate change, manage risk of wild fires and reduce transboundary haze as well as conserve...

Support to the Climate Change Commission II

In February 2019, the SupportCCC II Project Knowledge Exchange and Culmination Event was organized and attended by more than 150 participants from the government, civil society groups, academe, and other development partners. Partnerships built among key stakeholders in the country were again strengthened through this engaging culmination event to...

Soil protection and rehabilitation for food security

OBJECTIVE Selected partner countries are assisted in the widespread implementation of agroecological approaches that conserve soil and rehabilitate infertile soil in climate-smart, environmentally friendly ways. DESCRIPTION The amount of fertile soil that is being lost around the world every year was most recently equal to roughly one-third of the size of Germany,...

Blue Solutions – Implementing the CBD Strategic Plan in the field of marine and coastal biodiversity

OBJECTIVE The national and regional partner institutions enhance their capacities to improve and better contribute to the implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan targets on the conserbvation, sustainable use and restoration of marine and coastal biodiversity. COUNTRYSupra-Regional DURATION01 Jan 2013 - 30 Sep 2021 Commission Agency BMUV CONTACT PERSON Mr. Jan Kleine Buening jan.kleine@giz.de

Sustainable fisheries und aquaculture

OBJECTIVE Advice to the development policy in the fisheries sector and in the context of small-scale fishers and farmers to support sustainable forms of fisheries and aquaculture, and thereby contribute to food security, income generation and resource protection. COUNTRYGlobal DURATION01 Oct 2020 - 30 Sep 2022 Commission AgencyBMZ CONTACT PERSON Dr. Mark Prein mark.prein@giz.de

Fund to promote innovation in agriculture

OBJECTIVES Employment opportunities and income are being created as more gender-sensitive innovations in agriculture are put in place which ensure food security, climate change adaptation for smallholders, and protection of natural resources such as soil, water, and biodiversity. DESCRIPTION Agricultural innovations being developed in Germanyā€™s development policy partner countries have a huge...

Forests and Climate Change II (FORCLIME)

OBJECTIVE The legal and institutional conditions in the areas of forestry, biodiversity protection and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the forst sector have improved. COUNTRYIndonesia DURATION01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2023 CONTACT PERSON Mr.Georg Buchholz georg.buchholz@giz.de