Forests and Climate Change II (FORCLIME)

OBJECTIVE The legal and institutional conditions in the areas of forestry, biodiversity protection and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the forst sector have improved. COUNTRYIndonesia DURATION01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2023 CONTACT PERSON Mr.Georg Buchholz

Strengthening the Climate Governance of Indonesia

OBJECTIVE Demand-oriented adaptation initatives - financing solutions have improved the implementation of the indian NDC contributions. COUNTRYIndonesia DURATION01 May 2017 - 31 Jan 2021 Commission Agency BMUV CONTACT PERSON MR. PHILIPP SCHUKAT

Peatland management and rehabilitation

Collecting the Fishes in the end of the Day Copyright: @GIZ/Arif Data Kusuma Fisherman Catch the Fish in Delta Kayan Sembakung North Kalimantan Copyright: @GIZ/Nessy Rosdiana ...

Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains

OBJECTIVES Deforestation-free agricultural supply chains for renewable raw materials with global markets are established DESCRIPTION The GIZ/SASCI project, in collaboration with its main government partners, Directorate General of Estate Crops, Ministry of Agriculture (National), the Estate Crop and Livestock Agency (W. Kalimantan), and the Agriculture and Food Crop Agency (Kapuas Hulu), supports...

Forests and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME)

Cenderawasih, bird of paradise, spotted at the ecotourism area in Rhepang Muaif, Papua Province Hutan perempuan or women forest ā€“ prohibited for male ā€“ a place for women to socialize among women, talking about everything while collecting...