News and Events

ASEAN Green Initiative (AGI)

The ASEAN region is rich in both biological and cultural diversity. While it occupies only 3 per cent of the Earthā€™s surface, it is home to 18 per cent of the worldā€™s known plants and animals. The forests of ASEAN are considered one of the most biologically rich and...

ASEAN calls to place biodiversity at the centre of decision-making processes

The ASEAN Member States took part in the sessions of the first part of the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), joining the global call to scale up efforts in mainstreaming biodiversity in the decision-making processes across sectors. ā€œThe ASEAN...

Integrated Development Partnership with Olam Food Ingredients (OFI)

GIZ-assisted women cocoa farmer from Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve area. Ā©Ismet KhaeruddinGIZ Working Together to Protect the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve Area of Indonesia With an official launch on December 1, 2021 Deutsche Gesellschaft fĆ¼r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Olam Food Ingredients (ofi) in an integrated Development Partnership (iDPP). The...

Promoting a systemic approach for better climate-smart land use practices in ASEAN

Screenshot of some participants of the ASEAN Conference on Policy and Governance for Climate-Smart Land Use, 16-18 November 2021. Photo: GIZ/Diella Dachlan. ā€˜We need to outsmart climate change.ā€™ This important message was highlighted during the virtual ASEAN Conference on Policy and Governance for Climate-Smart Land Use between 16-18 November 2021....

Environment department, Government of Uttar Pradesh partners with GIZ India for first ever state conclave on Climate Change

Ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (DoEFCC), Government of Uttar Pradesh organised a two-day ā€˜Uttar Pradesh Climate Change Conclave 2021 (UPCCC 2021)ā€™ in collaboration with GIZĀ India (Technical Partner) at the Indira Gandhi Pratisthan, Lucknow on October 28-29, 2021. The conclave was supported by...

Nature-based Solutions for Climate Action and Green Recovery in the Region

Group photo ASEAN Member States representatives participated at the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) training. Photo: GIZ/Shofi Fauziyyah. The topic of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) has attracted growing attention and is often discussed in the international community. NbS are considered to be a promising way of tackling socio-environmental challenges such as climate change,...

Macroeconomic Modelling Trainings for Climate Resilient Economic Development in Vietnam

The global programme Policy Advice for Climate Resilient Economic Development (CRED) supports Vietnam in integrating climate risk into macroeconomic modelling to enhance climate resilient economic development. This autumn, the project conducted training sessions in Vietnam to enhance capacities for working with the Dynamic General Equilibrium Model for Climate Resilient...

Climate Resilient Coconut Farm Management

While the coconut sector has its strengths, it faces countless challenges and momentous problems such as the gradual decline of the prices of copra and many other coconut products, low productivity and aging palms. These trends contribute to the high incidence of poverty in regions with a substantial share...