Coconut and communities: Coir cooperative moving up the value chain

This is a UPNRM project implemented by Thenigana Narina Kushala Kaigarika Sahakara Sangha (TNKKSS) in Tumkur District, Karnataka: Farmers mostly landfill or burn coconut shells, not knowing that these could be a source of additional income. Hence, the project promotes the production of coir panels from coconut shells, securing 593...

Powerful partnership: Saving energy, conserving water

This is a UPNRM project implemented by ENZEN Global Solutions Ltd. in Bangalore District, Karnataka: The 2 crore irrigation pumps in India currently consume a fourth of India's total electricity. To end wasteful energy consumption, the Public Private Partnership between the Bangalore Electric Supply Company (BESCOM), USAID India (Pilot Project...

Tourism and tribes: Eco-resort for community development

This is a UPNRM project implemented by Vivekananada Girijana Kalyana Kendra (VGKK) in Chamrajanagar District, Karnataka: Shrinking livelihood opportunities drive tribal communities to exploit their forests' biodiversity. The project curtails this trend by demonstrating eco-tourism as an alternative livelihood for 2,000 tribal families. This provides employment to the local youth...

Farm to pharmacy: A modern approach for traditional medicine

This is a UPNRM project implemented by Sambandh in two districts of northern Orissa: Medicinal plants have a recognized medical use. They range from plants which are used in production of mainstream pharmaceutical products to plants used in herbal medicine preparation. Sambandh supports families in Orissa involved in the traditional...

Single seedling: Increasing rice yields and decreasing water use through SRI

This is a UPNRM project implemented by the Sri Kshetriya Dharmsthala Rural Development Trust (SKDRDP) in 8 districts of Karnataka: Traditional paddy cultivation is becoming a debt trap. Hence, the project supports 20,000 small and marginal farmers to induce economic viability and sustainability in paddy cultivation by introducing the System...

Fodder to fuel: Integrating improvements into dairy management

This is a UPNRM project implemented by the Mitra Association for Social Services (MASS) in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh: Tribal families are over-dependent on the forest as they are unable to sustain themselves solely on the income from orchard farming (WADI), especially during the gestation period. Hence, the project supports...

National Symposium on UPNRM, New Delhi

A national symposium to showcase the achievements of NABARD's flagship direct finance Umbrella Programme for Natural Resource Management (UPNRM) was held in coordination with the German Financing and technical partners KFW and GIZ in New Delhi on March 7th, 2014.

Under the Umbrella: A short introduction to UPNRM

The Umbrella Programme on Natural Resource Management (UPNRM) is a cooperation between the Indian National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) with Deutsche Gesellschaft fĆ¼r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the German Development Bank (KFW) who operate on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development...