Sector Network Discovery Tour

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Be My Guest, NBT World Thailand, 4 June 2017, Interview with Ms. Xuan Li on sustainable agriculture, hunger and malnutrition in Asia

Ms. Li from the Regional Initiative on Zero Hunger Challenge, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations was invited to give an international and regional perspective on sustainable agrifood systems at the Regional Knowledge Sharing Consultation ā€œSustainable Agrifood Systems for Food Security and Sustainable Development in the...

Good Calms of Ashtamudi

The depletion of the clam population in the Ashtamudi estuary by 50 % pushed small scale fishers to adopt sustainable practices. Continued efforts helped the clam fishery to bounce back and its value has now been estimated at Rs13.5 million. What were the practices adopted? Watch the video to...

Managing Catch

Rs.2.42 billion is lost every year due to fishing of juvenile fishes. But there is a way to reverse this loss. Watch this video to know more and share.

Going the Chilika Way

Chilika Lake is a brackish lagoon on the coast of Odisha. IGBP commissioned studies to measure the impact of restoration work undertaken at the Chilika Lake. The studies show that each rupee spent on the restoration of the Chilika Lake has yielded Rs. 15 in return making it a...

Let The River Ken Flow

Rivers are much more than flowing waters. Lets study our little known Ken river before making any infrastructural development.