
Sensitisation Workshop for Sustainable Dill Seed and Celery Cultivation Practices

13 September 2023

To address the pressing need for sustainable spice cultivation practices, two enlightening sensitization workshops took place, catering to smallholder farmers and their essential partners. The Dill seed workshop was hosted in Jodhpur, Rajasthan on September 13, 2023, and the Celery workshop in Kurukshetra, Haryana on August 22, 2023. These two workshops were a collaborative effort involving GIZ, AVT McCormick, and McCormick.

The workshops brought together dill seed farmers in Jodhpur and celery farmers in Kurukshetra to embrace sustainable agricultural practices specific to their crops. The focus was on improving their cultivation techniques while promoting eco-friendly, sustainable farming methods. With the global market witnessing an increasing demand for sustainably certified dill seed and celery produce, these initiatives aim to equip farmers with the knowledge and skills required to meet this growing need.

These workshops facilitated a deeper understanding of the challenges in dill seed and celery cultivation, promoting eco-friendly and sustainable solutions for a promising agricultural future.

Group photo of the participants and trainers at the Sensitization Workshop for Celery Farmers in Kurukshetra Ā© GIZ India
Group photo of the participants and trainers at the Sensitization Workshop for Celery Farmers in Kurukshetra Ā© GIZ India

September 13, 2023 and August 22, 2023

Jodhpur, Rajasthan and Kurukshetra, Haryana

Contact Person
Ravindra Singh