Thai German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate: Biomass Component (TGC-EMC Biomass Project)

OBJECTIVES By facilitating energy from agricultural residues, i.e., rice straw and sugarcane leaves, TGC EMC Biomass Component supports Thailandā€™s goals in increasing its share of renewable energy, reducing emissions from agricultural burning, and diversifying farmersā€™ incomes. DESCRIPTION According to Thailandā€™s second updated nationally determined contribution (NDC), submitted to the UNFCCC in November...

Climate Policy and Biodiversity Project

OBJECTIVES Thailand is progressing on a climate-resilient and low greenhouse gas emission development pathway. The countryā€™s marine and coastal biodiversity is better protected and managed to benefit sustainable tourism and coastal livelihoods, contributing to successful development of a sustainable Green Economy. DESCRIPTION Thailand is Southeast Asia's second largest emitter of carbon dioxide...

Thai-German Climate Programme

Praphat Dejharn from Regional Office of the National Water Resources discussed with the head of the community on rehabilitating and reconnecting oxbow lakes to Yom river in Phrae province on 7 July 2020 Copyright: TGCP-Water, GIZ Thailand ...

Risk-based National Adaptation Planning (Risk NAP)

OBJECTIVE ToĀ informĀ decision makers and stakeholders on the national and subnational levels about expected climate changes and their projected impacts; ToĀ developĀ the NAP taking into account the results of the CCRA; ToĀ integrateĀ the priorities of the CCRA-based NAP into sector policies/strategies and subnational planning instruments; ToĀ alignĀ financing instruments to support adaptation measures with the requirements of the...

ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: provide solutions for long-term food security in the region through development of regionally-coordinatedĀ policies and strategies for sustainable agriculture promote cross-border value chains in concert with public decision-makers, agricultural enterprises as well as farmersā€™ and private associations PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) project is one of the...