Blue Solutions

OBJECTIVE To provide a global knowledge network and capacity development platform to collate, share and generate solutions for effective management and equitable governance of our planetā€™s marine and coastal living spaces PROJECT DESCRIPTION The oceans cover 71 percent of our planetā€™s surface. By 2050, the global population is likely to reach more...

Sustainable Agriculture (NAREN)

OBJECTIVE The project aims to: increase agricultural productivity by contributing technical expertise and concepts to improve sustainability in agriculture incorporate these technical expertise and concepts into national and international strategies PROJECT DESCRIPTION The sector project Sustainable Agriculture (NAREN) adĀ­dresses sustainable production systems, genetic resources, renewable primary products, soil and water management, climate change, post-harvest...

Sector Project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains

OBJECTIVE To contribute to agricultural and rural development in our partner countries through the promotion of competitive and sustainable agricultural and food value chains PROJECT DESCRIPTION We analyze global agricultural trade policies and value chains from farm to fork. With our expertise we support the projects of the Federal Government from the...