Potato Zero Tillage Under Rice Straw Cultivation

Planting of potato after rice harvest without tillage in Assam, India. Thereafter, potato seed will be covered with rice straw. Copyright: Ali Shahid (International Potato Center) Mulching of potato with rice straw. Copyright: JĆ¼rgen Kroschel (GIZ) ...

Promotion of the Management of Sunderbans-Mangrove Forest in Bangladesh

OBJECTIVES The Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD) under the Ministry for Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) is enabled to manage the Sundarbans in a sustainable manner through co-management by involving local resource users, efficient and standardised patrolling (SMART), and a proper ecological monitoring. DESCRIPTION The ā€œSundarbans Reserved Forestā€ is declared a UNESCO...

Support to the Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests in Bangladesh (SMP-II)

OBJECTIVE The Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD) under the Ministry for Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) is enabled to manage the Sundarbans in a sustainable manner through co-management by involving local resource users, efficient and standardised patrolling, and a proper ecological monitoring. CONTEXT The largely undisturbed Sundarbans mangrove forests in Bangladesh remains...

Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change (SMP)

OBJECTIVE Government agencies at the national and local level, that are responsible for the management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests (SMF), as well as Co-Management structures, have implemented mechanisms that improve the management of the SMF. This is being achieved through the three components: The coordination by the local representation of the...

Promotion of the Climate Change Unit in coordinating the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (Climate Finance Governance Project)

OBJECTIVE To improve Ministry of Environment and Forests and its line agenciesā€™ results-based implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy according to fiduciary principles PROJECT DESCRIPTION Together with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), the Climate Finance Governance (CFG) Project aims to build a climate resilient nation. It supports the government to implement...