International Agricultural Research

Indian farmer standing in his wheat field Copyright: Wasim Iftikar, CIMMYT Researchers in the International Rice Research Institute Copyright: IRRI OBJECTIVES Innovations of agricultural research provide smallholder farmers with...

Marine conservation support project

OBJECTIVES Through the contributions from this project, BMZ shapes policy and implementation processes that promote marine conservation. The focus here is primarily on the achievement of the goals of the 2030 Agenda, the Biodiversity Convention and BMZā€™s Ten-point Plan of Action. DESCRIPTION The project works on behalf of and in close consultation...

Forests and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME)

Cenderawasih, bird of paradise, spotted at the ecotourism area in Rhepang Muaif, Papua Province Hutan perempuan or women forest ā€“ prohibited for male ā€“ a place for women to socialize among women, talking about everything while collecting...