Transformation of Food Systems

OBJECTIVES Selected local, national, regional and international initiatives are ready to transform food systems towards healthier and more sustainable diets. DESCRIPTION To overcome hunger and food crises and address climate change, food systems need to be transformed and mindsets must change fundamentally. Our current food systems do not produce healthy diets for...

Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Policies

OBJECTIVES Transformation processes that foster sustainable agricultural systems are strengthened in India, Zambia, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Madagascar, Burkina Faso and Mali, as well as at regional and global level. DESCRIPTION One of the priority development goals of the international communityā€™s 2030 Agenda is to end global hunger. Current agricultural and food...

Climate and Biodiversity Hub in Indonesia

OBJECTIVES Indonesia is reducing its GHG emissions and coming closer to achieving its NDC targets. DESCRIPTION As one of the worldā€™s ten largest greenhouse gas emitters, Indonesia plays an important role in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Under business as usual (BAU), its...

develoPPP.One World-No Hunger

OBJECTIVES Innovative approaches coupled with partnerships between development cooperation actors and the private sector along agricultural value chains have the capacity to increase smallholder production and income. DESCRIPTION In developing countries, agricultural goods are mainly produced by smallholders. Their limited access to new knowledge, agricultural inputs and financing means they must use...

Greening Agricultural Smallholder Supply Chains (GRASS)

OBJECTIVES The economic and environmental resilience of smallholder farmers who produce rubber, oil palm, cocoa, and coffee at the base of global supply chains is improved. DESCRIPTION Many independent smallholder farmers in Kapuas Hulu cultivate estate crops in monoculture on small farm plots of typically two hectares or less. With this approach,...

Enhancing Rural Resilience through Appropriate Development Actions ā€“ ERADA

OBJECTIVES Livelihoods of vulnerable households in rural areas have been stabilised based on locally available natural resources and developmental support programmes. DESCRIPTION In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the globe. This resulted in about ten million Indians returning from urban areas to their home villages as they had lost their...

Supporting the Implementation of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) in Pakistan

OBJECTIVES The process of implementing the National Adaptation Plan is enhanced at national level and selected provinces in Pakistan. DESCRIPTION Pakistan grapples with severe challenges from climate change, lacking adequate adaptation measures to mitigate its impacts. Extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and storms cause significant economic losses. They also harm...

Transformative Actions for Climate and Ecological Protection and Development (TRANSCEND)

OBJECTIVES Key actors at the national level and in the three landscapes support an integrated and transparent implementation of climate change and biodiversity policies. DESCRIPTION 45 per cent of the Philippine population lives in cities, where 75 per cent of the gross domestic product is produced. Unplanned urbanisation increases exposure to the...

Protection of Aquatic Ecosystems in India’s Northeastern Himalay Region

OBJECTIVES State and local stakeholders are implementing their improved knowledge and management capacities for the conservation and sustainable, climate-friendly management of aquatic ecosystems in four states of the North Eastern region - Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland. DESCRIPTION North Eastern Region of India is home to two of the thirty-four biodiversity hotspots...