Transformation of Food Systems

OBJECTIVES Selected local, national, regional and international initiatives are ready to transform food systems towards healthier and more sustainable diets. DESCRIPTION To overcome hunger and food crises and address climate change, food systems need to be transformed and mindsets must change fundamentally. Our current food systems do not produce healthy diets for...

Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Policies

OBJECTIVES Transformation processes that foster sustainable agricultural systems are strengthened in India, Zambia, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Madagascar, Burkina Faso and Mali, as well as at regional and global level. DESCRIPTION One of the priority development goals of the international communityā€™s 2030 Agenda is to end global hunger. Current agricultural and food...

Climate and Biodiversity Hub in Indonesia

OBJECTIVES Indonesia is reducing its GHG emissions and coming closer to achieving its NDC targets. DESCRIPTION As one of the worldā€™s ten largest greenhouse gas emitters, Indonesia plays an important role in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Under business as usual (BAU), its...

develoPPP.One World-No Hunger

OBJECTIVES Innovative approaches coupled with partnerships between development cooperation actors and the private sector along agricultural value chains have the capacity to increase smallholder production and income. DESCRIPTION In developing countries, agricultural goods are mainly produced by smallholders. Their limited access to new knowledge, agricultural inputs and financing means they must use...

Greening Agricultural Smallholder Supply Chains (GRASS)

OBJECTIVES The economic and environmental resilience of smallholder farmers who produce rubber, oil palm, cocoa, and coffee at the base of global supply chains is improved. DESCRIPTION Many independent smallholder farmers in Kapuas Hulu cultivate estate crops in monoculture on small farm plots of typically two hectares or less. With this approach,...

Strengthening Coastal Biodiversity Conservation and Management through Protection and Rehabilitation Incentives for Coastal Carbon Sinks in Pacific Island countries

OBJECTIVES Fiji, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu are successfully conserving and managing seagrass and mangrove ecosystems to safeguard associated ecosystem services. DESCRIPTION Seagrass meadows and mangrove forests sequester carbon at rates up to 66Ā times faster than terrestrial forests and store up to five times more carbon per hectare. These...

Support to the International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade

OBJECTIVES The risk of pathogens jumping from wild animals to humans and thus leading to a pandemic has been reduced. Awareness and knowledge has been developed among the relevant stakeholders. DESCRIPTION Wild animals are an important part of biodiversity. However, they are also a source of known and unknown pathogens,...

One Health and agroecology

OBJECTIVES Indian institutions cooperate more effectively to reduce risks to human, animal and environmental health. DESCRIPTION One Health is a holistic approach that considers connections between the health of humans, animals and the environment. It focuses on the entire system in which diseases can develop and spread. India has a high population density,...

Climate Policy and Biodiversity Project

OBJECTIVES Thailand is progressing on a climate-resilient and low greenhouse gas emission development pathway. The countryā€™s marine and coastal biodiversity is better protected and managed to benefit sustainable tourism and coastal livelihoods, contributing to successful development of a sustainable Green Economy. DESCRIPTION Thailand is Southeast Asia's second largest emitter of carbon dioxide...

Solutions for Marine and Coastal Resilience in the Coral Triangle

OBJECTIVES The six countries of the Coral Triangle are undertaking measures to preserve biodiversity and the associated ecosystem services in three large transboundary seascapes. DESCRIPTION The Coral Triangle is regarded as the global epicentre of marine biodiversity. Its unique habitats and important ecosystem services are increasingly jeopardised, however. The main stress factors...