Climate and Biodiversity Hub in Indonesia

OBJECTIVES Indonesia is reducing its GHG emissions and coming closer to achieving its NDC targets. DESCRIPTION As one of the worldā€™s ten largest greenhouse gas emitters, Indonesia plays an important role in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Under business as usual (BAU), its...

Thai German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate: Biomass Component (TGC-EMC Biomass Project)

OBJECTIVES By facilitating energy from agricultural residues, i.e., rice straw and sugarcane leaves, TGC EMC Biomass Component supports Thailandā€™s goals in increasing its share of renewable energy, reducing emissions from agricultural burning, and diversifying farmersā€™ incomes. DESCRIPTION According to Thailandā€™s second updated nationally determined contribution (NDC), submitted to the UNFCCC in November...

Transformative Actions for Climate and Ecological Protection and Development (TRANSCEND)

OBJECTIVES Key actors at the national level and in the three landscapes support an integrated and transparent implementation of climate change and biodiversity policies. DESCRIPTION 45 per cent of the Philippine population lives in cities, where 75 per cent of the gross domestic product is produced. Unplanned urbanisation increases exposure to the...

Strengthening Disaster Resilience and Risk Mitigation through Ecosystem-based Planning and Adaptation (E4DR)

OBJECTIVES Ecosystem-based adaptation and climate insurance are building resilience to the negative impacts of climate change in the Philippines. DESCRIPTION The Philippines has made progress in producing climate information products, ranging from climate scenarios developed from global models for regional and local areas to information about local impacts and dangers related to...

Towards a South-South Collaboration on Climate Information and Services: Building a Knowledge Exchange and Learning Plat Platform for the Philippines and the Climate Vulnerable Forum

OBJECTIVES In the Philippines, climate information services are being used more and more to gain a better understanding of the impacts of climate change. Informed decisions can be made when planning and implementing adaptation and mitigation measures. DESCRIPTION The Philippines has made progress in producing climate information products, ranging from climate scenarios...