
Apple Forum: Pathways to Sustainable Apple Production – Experiences and Learning of the Green Innovation Centre

23 November 2023
Farmer representatives, private companies, research scientists, and Government officials shared their experiences and responses to the climate calamity in Himachal Pradesh in 2023 to devise a roadmap to make the apple value chain resilient to climatic extreme events. © Pinecone Studios, Shimla
Farmer representatives, private companies, research scientists, and Government officials shared their experiences and responses to the climate calamity in Himachal Pradesh in 2023 to devise a roadmap to make the apple value chain resilient to climatic extreme events. © Pinecone Studios, Shimla

Climatic projections show current trends of high temperatures, erratic precipitation and hailstorms will persist in the state of Himachal Pradesh with large impacts on apple production. The global programme “Green Innovation Centre for the Agriculture and Food Sector – India” (GIC), in collaboration with the Department of Horticulture, is working in Himachal Pradesh to strengthen the resilience of the apple value chain stakeholders. The Apple Forum, a stakeholder event that brings all partners working in the apple value chain together, was organized to anchor the piloted innovations by the project and promote the transformation of agri-food systems approach among the stakeholders.

During the event, Farmer Producer Organisations, Government officials, scientists and representatives of various private companies and civil society organisations discussed the achievements of the project, the new challenges in the apple value chain, especially regarding climate change, and their common commitment going forward to focus on transformative approaches in the agri-food sector. The GIC India showcased technologies and climate-smart innovations that can be implemented together as innovation bundles to promote diversification of farmer’s income and support their resilience in face of extreme climate events.

Farmers and stakeholders were made aware through interactions with multiple private technology providers who showcased their agricultural technologies during the marketplace, including an AI app that can identify diseases, hydro-powered water pump, and the System of Water for Agricultural Rejuvenation. © Pinecone Studios, Shimla
Farmers and stakeholders were made aware through interactions with multiple private technology providers who showcased their agricultural technologies during the marketplace, including an AI app that can identify diseases, hydro-powered water pump, and the System of Water for Agricultural Rejuvenation. © Pinecone Studios, Shimla
Participation from farmers and private and public stakeholders facilitates cross-learning and partnerships. Technology providers were able to not just inform farmers about their technologies, but also get feedback. The potential in apple farming of renewable energy and other innovative technologies, such as app-based identification of diseases, hydro-powered water pumps, and integrated beekeeping was highlighted to the public partners. © Pinecone Studios, Shimla
Participation from farmers and private and public stakeholders facilitates cross-learning and partnerships. Technology providers were able to not just inform farmers about their technologies, but also get feedback. The potential in apple farming of renewable energy and other innovative technologies, such as app-based identification of diseases, hydro-powered water pumps, and integrated beekeeping was highlighted to the public partners. © Pinecone Studios, Shimla

November 29, 2023

Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

Contact Person
Regina Sanchez Sosa y Hernandez