Ousteri Lake

The Ousteri lake attracts a diverse population of migratory birds, making it one of the ecologically important wetlands of Asia. With enormous pressure from land-use change, groundwater exploitation and pollution from industry and agriculture we stand a chance to loose about Rs 19.67 million each year. How can we...

The Little Rann of Kachchh

The LRK provides annual economic benefits worth US$ 25.3 million. Livelihoods of 12,000 households are linked with these ecosystem services.

Western Ghats: The Green Gold of India

Benefits from just timber, fuelwood, non-timber forest produce, carbon sequestration and tourism from 10 sq. km of Western Ghats forests are worth over US$ 387,000.

Wise Use of Loktak

Loktak Lake provides US$ 3 million worth of water for hydropower generation. This value, however, is not accounted for in hydropower pricing.

Fishing Holiday- Nature At Work

Seasonal Fishing Ban (SFB) has been followed in India since the late 1980ā€™s to protect the breeding fish population during peak spawning season. An economic valuation of SFB shows that the benefits outweigh the costs of the ban.

Why Save The Vultures?

A single vulture provides benefits worth around ā‚¹ 695,000 (US$ 11,583) #LetsInvestInNature

Mangroves: The Green Coastal Infrastructure

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