Food and Nutrition Security in Shan State

OBJECTIVE Food and nutrition security situation of persons has improved, in selected regions in Shan State COUNTRYMyanmar DURATION20 Apr 2015 - 31 Aug 2021 Commission AgencyBMZ CONTACT PERSON Ms.Anne Schnelling

Agricultural Policy and Food Security

OBJECTIVE Concepts and innovative approaches for agricultural policies and food nutrition security are positioned in national and international processes (by the German development cooperation) COUNTRYGlobal DURATION01 May 2019 - 30 Apr 2022 Commission AgencyBMZ CONTACT PERSON Mr.Ousmane Djibo

Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance

OBJECTIVE The policies and concepts of German development cooperation for the promotion of a sustainable and competitive agricultural and food sector are fed into national and international processes. COUNTRYGlobal DURATION22 May 2018 - 31 May 2021 Commission AgencyBMZ CONTACT PERSON MS. HEIKE HOEFFLER

Regional Economic Development RED IV

OBJECTIVE The economic and employment situation of poor rural households in selected provinces has been improved. COUNTRYCambodia DURATION01 Apr 2018 - 30 Sep 2021 Commission AgencyBMZ CONTACT PERSON Mr.Stefan Hanselmann

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Food Quality Initiative

OBJECTIVE Precondiations for Myanmar's agro-based food systems to meet the quality and safety requirements of modern food markets have been established. COUNTRYMyanmar DURATION24 May 2017 - 31 May 2021 Commission AgencyBMZ CONTACT PERSON MR. PETER HINN

Strengthening the Climate Governance of Indonesia

OBJECTIVE Demand-oriented adaptation initatives - financing solutions have improved the implementation of the indian NDC contributions. COUNTRYIndonesia DURATION01 May 2017 - 31 Jan 2021 Commission Agency BMUV CONTACT PERSON MR. PHILIPP SCHUKAT

Peatland management and rehabilitation

Collecting the Fishes in the end of the Day Copyright: @GIZ/Arif Data Kusuma Fisherman Catch the Fish in Delta Kayan Sembakung North Kalimantan Copyright: @GIZ/Nessy Rosdiana ...

Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains

OBJECTIVES Deforestation-free agricultural supply chains for renewable raw materials with global markets are established DESCRIPTION The GIZ/SASCI project, in collaboration with its main government partners, Directorate General of Estate Crops, Ministry of Agriculture (National), the Estate Crop and Livestock Agency (W. Kalimantan), and the Agriculture and Food Crop Agency (Kapuas Hulu), supports...