Task Forces 2022

What is a Task Force?

It operates following the mandate set out by the German government and is categorised thematically under different Working Groups. In order to promote greater collaboration between and across relevant sectors, SNRD Asia and the Pacific has set up joint work clusters with other networks in the region, namely Sector Network Transport, Environment, Energy and Water in Asia (TUEWAS) and Sector Network Governance Asia (SNGA).

Climate-Smart Agricultural Value Chains

The Task Force on Climate-Smart Agricultural Value Chains formed from February 2022 to March 2023 to fill the gap for a streamlined guidance targeting development projects within GIZ and external.


Task Force Lead
GRAPE ā€” Nepal


Agricultural development projects often emphasize the need for climate change adaptation (and mitigation) in production. Yet upstream and downstream functions of agricultural value chains bear a similar importance for resilience of the agricultural system. Guidance for the use of adequate tools and at best a comprehensive approach can enhance the effectiveness of development projects.


  • A database for Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) measures that are being used in GIZ projects around the world.
  • An overview of existing tools/methods/guides for climate change adaptation and mitigation in agri-food systems in the form of a compendium.
  • An interactive Product Landscape that combines the developed products and additional relevant documents in a user-friendly design.
  • An upgrade of ValueLinks 2.0 methodology by integrating relevant climate-sensitive aspects for analysis and solutions of value chains.

Knowledge Product

The CSA database includes more than 100 measures that have been successfully applied by African and Asian projects (as of February 2023). It lists CSA measures along the complete value chain and categorizes these according to agroclimatic zones. It is an excel database and will be updated with suitable measures whenever available. Further down the line the excel database will be upgraded to a dynamic online database.

The Compendium gives an overview of the most relevant tools that can be applied for climate change adaptation and mitigation in agri-food systems. Numerous tools have been developed to integrate climate change aspects into development projects, they differ in level and complexity of application, methodology and target group. The Compendium categorizes these and prepares the tools for a more convenient application by practitioners.
Ā» Download Compendium of Analytic Tools

The interactive Product Landscape complements the Compendium and gives a visual overview of and easy access to the developed products as well as additional relevant documents.
Ā» Download Product Landscape

The ValueLinks 2.0 methodology was upgraded by integrating climate-smart aspects in the suitable modules for analysis and solutions. New training slides were created in English and field-tested in Vietnam and Nepal. With this upgrade, ValueLinks 2.0 is comprehensively taking account of climate change challenges that value chain development needs to consider and prepares ValueLinks practitioners to apply suitable tools. An accompanying brochure is providing more in-depth information on the utilized tools. The new training material is currently translated in additional languages.
Ā» Download Climate-smart solutions in agricultural value chains
Ā» Download Resource Documents Guide Upgrading Value Chains towards Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Ā» Download 12-Climate-Smart Solutions EN (valuelinks.org)
Ā» Download IDC (valuelinks.org)

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Knowledge Product


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Knowledge Product


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