Exchange and training on SMART system for the concerned National Protected Area (NPAs) had been conducted from 17 until 21 June 2024 in Vientiane Capital. SMART is a system which has been used as monitoring tool for NPA management especially to monitor deforestation, illegal logging, wildlife change and any harmful human activities within the NPA area. The training aims at building capacity for NPAs’ staff and exchanging good experiences across NPAs of Nam Xam and Nam-Et Phouleuy NPA in Huaphan Province, Nampui NPA in Sayabouly Province and Hin Namnor NPA in Khammouan Province. 36 staff from 4 NPAs benefited from this training. After completing this training, participants will be equipped to develop their own SMART systems and adapt them for mentoring within their NPAs, particularly in addressing deforestation and land use change.