of SNRD Asia and the Pacific & TUEWAS
19 ā€“ 23 September 2022 Ē€ Bangkok, Thailand
Transformative Change for Future-Readiness
in Asia and the Pacific
Understand Ē€ Envision Ē€ Implement

For more information about the Conference or the Sector Networks, you can visit the following links:


The Conference of the Sector Networks in Asia and the Pacific is held every 2 years to provide a face-to-face platform for sector network members to learn from one another, engage in technical exchange, promote cross-border learning as well as to personally meet in the Working Groups and Task Forces. As in previous years, this yearā€™s conference is set up as a Joint Conference of the two Sector Networks SNRD Asia and the Pacific & TUEWAS and will focus on topics, trends, challenges and ideas related to the transformational changes that lie ahead of us and that will shape our work and cooperation in the coming years.

Conference Programme

The conference is designed to provide room for technical exchange among colleagues as well as to serve as a discussion and networking platform. The conference will accommodate different sessions formats, such as plenary and breakout sessions, panel discussions as well as technical discussions and meetings in smaller groups. The official conference language is English.

Target Group

The target group of the conference are the staff members of the projects that are members of one or both of the sector networks SNRD Asia and the Pacific & TUEWAS. The 200 participants are a well-balanced mix of AMAs, National Personnel, Development Workers and Integrated Experts, as well as colleagues from GIZ Headquarters (Regional and Sectoral Departments). For the benefit of those that cannot physically participate in Bangkok, there will be webcasting of the conference sessions on September 20-21 and at least some of the Working Group/Task Force sessions on September 22nd.